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The story of mermaid...

Story of mermaid 

by Nikko 

The begins by showing the First face of the life of the lead character.
There is a village, last night they stand up against a water storm late and very next morning the villagers visit sea to collect the fishes, where the villagers saw a faint mermaid lie edge of the sea. The mermaid was injured due to the storm, they caught the mermaid and decided to Slavs her for the rest of her life because the tears of a mermaid are very precious. On the next day, the villagers invite the prince to show him a gold piece. When a prince saw a mermaid he feels so sad and feels some connection toward her(mermaid) He asked them to release her but the master of the village don't agree, he(prince) threads them if they couldn't do this so their village is not so big that he couldn't destroy.
The villagers know the worst side of Prince that if he said it so he means it. they concluded to release the mermaid. 

The prince carries the mermaid with him from the villagers and takes her to the sea from where she came from, Mermaid thanks to the prince. In curiosity, the prince asked her if they meet before but she said nothing and leave.

After a few months, the prince went out hunting, under the deep night the prince was resting in his tent, he hears some sound, he went out from his tent starts to follow the sound as he moved toward the sound the more he attracted toward it. He can feel the sound it seem like someone is calling him. Step-step the sound coming from the cave prince said, step-step.........

This cave has a secret door that opens to the other mysterious World. He was too shocked to see this unexpected tragedy, This world was so far from his imagination.
He was so curious about it, he starts to walk. He was so surprised to see the beauty. The sky was Blue there is a Rainbow too, the trees that he had never seen in his life, the water is falling heavily, the fragrance of a flower surrounds him, the sound of different creation was so pleased to hear this make him so delighted. (One more step) his feet stuck in bunches of bushes, he tried to escape from it but it's too difficult to do, he didn't want to break those because beautiful flowers were growing on it but he couldn't be stuck on it for rest of his life so he trying his hard to escape from it he used his other foot to break it, he hit so hard the bunches break and he succeeded to escape his foot. Suddenly, the color so bunches disappear it turns into black and that black color start separating the trees became dull, the falling water stop right there, the flower became dreadful. and the dullness and darkness start following him. He walked backward following the way from where he entered he reached the cave he came from but there was a big stone he trying to remove the stone but couldn't do it he trying hard the round dull darkness following him and he could remove it to safe himself, the dull darkness moving towards.......near- near his hand and mind stuck, he was unable to do anything....near-near......prince: No...

Prince Prince Prince Prince are you alright? eyes open coughing....ahem ahem! ahem! ahem!
Prince sun is about to rise to have to go back. Ahem ahem! ahem!.....yes!yes!yes! ok! ok! ok!.. Prince are you alright? Prince:what?.....yes! yes!...
Prince, we have to leave before the sunrise. prince:yes! ok 
The slave leaves the tent.
Prince was so afraid, confused, what was that? Where was I? Was it a dream? What happened to me?  Uhfffff!!!
It was a dream what kind of dream was it.
 Knock knock. Prince? Prince?
Yes yes, I am coming.






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